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Featured Projects

Ground-Up four-over-one Podium Building Structural and Foundation Design - Bergen County, NJ

Ground-Up four-over-one Podium Building Structural and Foundation Design

Bergen County, NJ

Hudson Engineering was the Structural Engineer of record for a new multi-unit podium building being constructed in Bergen County, NJ. Our Engineers were responsible for the coordination and design of the building’s structural framing and foundations with a team of other professionals in this major development. Due to the building’s unique width and challenging site conditions, our team utilized advanced structural techniques to develop a resilient design that was efficient and delivered timely on an expedited schedule.

Ground-Up One Family Structural and Foundation Design - Essex County, NJ

Ground-Up One Family Structural and Foundation Design

Essex County, NJ

This modern one-family building is built on a hillside and features fully open interior spaces, complex sub-grade construction, cantilevered upper floors, and large window openings. Hudson Engineering was engaged to provide Structural and Foundation design services to provide a mostly timber design to meet this complex structure’s tight budget. Our Engineers performed a Geotechnical investigation of the subsurface conditions to develop the necessary parameters for the foundation design, and worked closely with the project’s Architect, Jeff Jordan Architects, to ensure the structural requirements were met without compromising the intended layout and features that makes this home so unique

IWS Recycling Plant Roof Raising and Equipment Mount Improvements - Newark, NJ

IWS Recycling Plant Roof Raising and Equipment Mount Improvements

Newark, NJ

As part of continual upgrades to its facility, the recycling plant required the 50ft wide steel joist supported roof of one of its facilities to be raised and its operating equipment supports to be modified to accommodate a more efficient operation. Hudson Engineering was engaged to perform an assessment of the existing structure and equipment and to provide the final design for the required structural retrofits to be implemented. Our Engineers coordinated closely with the plant’s operations team to develop a design that was efficient, and properly phased to reduce any required down time to its operation. This work was closely coordinated with our team for a successful installation that improved the recycling plant’s efficiency and services to the community.

Site Plan for a Residential Home - Warren County, NJ

Site Plan for a Residential Home

Warren County, NJ

Hudson Engineering was engaged to perform the Site Civil Engineering services required to design additional parking for an existing home. The parking layout needed to include drainage, landscaping, and lighting requirements mandated by the municipality for approvals. Our Engineers developed the necessary design, site plan drawings, and calculation packages for the minor development that included an efficient stormwater collection system that utilized gravel to store and clean all runoff per state and municipal requirements.

Major Development Support of Excavation Design - Hudson County, NJ

Major Development Support of Excavation Design

Hudson County, NJ

As part of a new development in a tight urban property, a support of excavation (SOE) was required to protect crews and adjacent properties during the installation of foundations from 10ft to 15ft below grade. Hudson Engineering was engaged to perform the SOE design and provide continual engineering support during its installation. Due to the close proximity of hard bedrock, the SOE system used a combination of rock-socketed cantilevered soldier piles and a tie-back wall to successfully protect the excavation.

Historic Building Basement Lowering and Underpinning Design - Brooklyn, NY

Historic Building Basement Lowering and Underpinning Design

Brooklyn, NY

This historic brownstone townhouse featured an unfinished basement that the Owner wanted to have finished along with other improvements to open up the livable space. Hudson Engineering was responsible for the structural and foundation design to lower the basement by four feet, replace its center load bearing beams and install the necessary framing to remove the loadbearing wall supporting several stories above it. Our team worked closely with other professionals to develop an efficient design that ensured the stability of the historic building during construction in accordance with all NYC DOB requirements.

Building Masonry Wall Stabilization and Remediation - Hudson County, NJ

Building Masonry Wall Stabilization and Remediation

Hudson County, NJ

Foundation work performed near the existing 4-story unreinforced masonry building had undermined its exterior masonry load bearing wall causing structural deficiencies and significant settlement. Upon being engaged, Hudson Engineering performed a rapid assessment of the structural and geotechnical deficiencies and developed an immediate shoring and stabilization plan including grout injection stabilization of underlying soils, carbon fiber reinforcement of the compromised wall and temporary steel bracing to ensure continued stability. In the second phase of this project, Hudson Engineering develop a helical underpinning design that permanently stabilized the building’s foundation and finalized its structural remediation.

New Construction Foundation Stabilization - Union County, NJ

New Construction Foundation Stabilization

Union County, NJ

A new residential building under construction began to experience significant signs of differential settlement within less than a year of the installation of the foundation wall system. Hudson Engineering performed an inspection of the property confirmed that the differential settlement was occurring quickly, and needed immediate action. An underpinning using helical piles with two methods of installation to accommodate the adverse soil conditions at the project site was designed and coordinated with the contractor for immediate implementation. Once the underpinning segments were installed and the foundations were stabilized, a additional repair design was implemented for the affected framing members from the differential settlement. With the structural and foundation issues resolved, the building was certified and the new owners were able to finally move into their dream home.


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